How do I love this cookbook? Let me count the ways!

First, I am very particular that all food that I eat is both delicious and healthy! And unfortunately, that can be hard to come by in a cookbook. But Timaree Hagenburger, the author, is both a plant-based Registered Dietitian with high nutritional standards AND she is a “Foodie.” She loves food and is committed to having it taste great without compromising good nutrition. She also loves to cook, and shares many tips to make food prep easy and healthful.

Her recipes are based upon whole, unprocessed plants that are easily purchased at any decent supermarket, and she uses no added oil, which is a huge plus. When using other vegan cookbooks, I often need to modify recipes to make them more healthful, but that’s not necessary in The Foodie Bar Way.

But this is much more than a cookbook. The Foodie Bar Way is a system — an approach to preparing and serving food — that makes it work for you as the cook, and your family or friends, who may have different taste preferences. It’s not about making granola bars — it includes things like a salad bar, a potato bar, breakfast bars and dessert bars — where everyone gets to choose which ingredients to include in their own meal. The is perfect for families with kids who are still learning to enjoy new tastes.

This system also encourages people to cook together, which adds to the fun. Instead of one person making everything, different people can provide or prepare different parts of the bar.

I couldn’t end this review without mentioning the amazing color photos! I always want to see what the finished product is going to look like before making a recipe, and with the Foodie Bar Way, I get to enjoy the feast with my eyes before ever starting to cook!

Timaree is not only a great cook and an RD, she is also a master teacher. She is a nutrition professor who inspires her students to “love the foods that love you back” — and in her book, she inspires us to do the same. She provides all the information we need to get started — from the simplest, most basic bars to her “raising the bar” options. It’s obvious that this book is a true labor of love.

As someone who not only appreciates great food and optimal nutrition, I can’t recommend this book any more highly!

-Delisa Renideo