I scream, you scream, we all scream for… NICE Cream… especially recipes that love us back!
Imagine what it would be like to have access to 31 delectable flavors of Nice Cream that tickle your tastebuds and stimulate your imagination, all while delivering health-promoting nutrients to your cells that treat your body with love and respect, created by registered dietitian, Nutrition Professor, and health expert Timaree Hagenburger, author of The Foodie Bar™ Way…
You get to find out… right now! The book is here!
Out with the refined sugars, blood vessel clogging fat, stabilizers, preservatives and dyes used to make so many commercial ice creams and frozen desserts! It’s time to welcome in plant-based whole food ingredients that are accessible at the grocery store and combined in a way that delivers on flavor, texture and satisfaction, (in addition to actually being “good” for you)!
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