This book is great! I wish I could have Timaree Hagenburger cook for me everyday, but her new book, “The Foodie Bar Way,” makes it possible for her to be right there in the kitchen with me, encouraging me and motivating me to be a healthier person. It is loaded with lots of easy, yummy recipes that you can customize to fit your family’s diverse food needs. I am a super picky eater and each bar gives me the flexibility to design my own combinations and I’m encouraged to experiment with each “Raise the Bar” section–I can go from a simple bar to a more complex version of a bar. Some of my favorites are the Kale Pizza Bar and Potato Bar–comfort food that nourishes the body and allows me to experiment and try new combinations. My absolute favorite is the Mediterranean Fajita Bar! I always add in the zucchini and carrots, suggested from the “Raising the Bar” section. I’m encouraged to experiment and there is even a section with room for notes (so I’m not writing in the margins, like in most recipe books!). A great thing about her book is the Shop Smart, Cook Smart, Prep Smart tips–simple, smart tips for shopping and prepping. This book is amazing and I’m so happy something like this is available and affordable!

-KJM Winter