Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

I use raw sunflower seeds in a variety of dressings and sauces and recommend them in place of nuts (for those with nut allergy). They are sold in bags (great price at Trader Joe’s) and in bulk (supermarket). I keep them in the freezer.
Japanese Eggplant

Japanese Eggplant

I absolutely LOVE Japanese eggplant! They are easy to slice in to planks, rounds or even just in half, lengthwise. I like to grill or roast them, (Fajita Grilled Veggies or Mediterranean Grilled Veggies – both recipes in The Foodie Bar Way). I also broil them...
BBQ Sauce

BBQ Sauce

When purchasing BBQ sauce, look for one that does not contain High Fructose Corn Syrup or artificial sweeteners. Also, tomato puree should be the first ingredient! Then, you can compare sodium levels if you are trying to decide between a few choices. I will be sure to...
Beans – canned

Beans – canned

When shopping for canned beans, be sure to look for those marked “BPA free” – though it is probably best to cook beans from dry when you can! I have found that organic varieties of canned beans are packed in much less sodium (85 mg/svg vs 440...
Chipotle in Adobo

Chipotle in Adobo

Chipotle peppers are roasted jalapeños and are canned with adobo sauce. The peppers are still whole, with the seeds inside. If you want the smoky pepper flavor without all of the heat, be sure to scrape out the seeds before mincing (finely chopping) the chipotle. Most...
Coconut water

Coconut water

I like to use coconut water for some of my smoothies (see the Smoothie Foodie Bar), so I keep small containers of coconut water in my pantry. Larger containers of coconut water saves on packaging, but once opened, need to be kept in the refrigerator and used within a...
Dates – Medjool

Dates – Medjool

Medjool dates are very plump and sweet, while also being larger than the Delget Noor variety. I typically purchase them at Costco in a plastic tub. I remove the pit and little crown piece (if still on the date), which is easiest when they are still at room...
Rainbow Salad

Rainbow Salad

Rainbow Salad – sold by Mann’s -is a cousin to Broccoli Slaw, however includes the addition of cauliflower (broccoli, cauliflower, purple cabbage and carrots). If often goes on sale at my local supermarket for $0.99 and I use it in my Crazy Salad Base, as...
Bok choy

Bok choy

While some of my students grew up eating bok choy in stir-fries and soups, others have never tasted this wonderful vegetable from the cabbage family. It is super crispy and can be enjoyed raw in a salad or cooked. It is very nutrient dense and provides calcium that is...