Dry Goods/Baking Items

Coconut sugar – TJ

Coconut sugar – TJ

My first choice for a sweetener is fresh fruit, then dried, (I use some date sugar = powdered dates). Next in line for sweeteners is coconut sugar, we use a small amount in certain recipes. Costco carried organic coconut sugar for a while, but I haven't seen it for at...

Cocoa Powder – unsweetened – TJ

Cocoa Powder – unsweetened – TJ

Trader Joe's sells unsweetened cocoa powder that is delicious in my recipe for T's Dreamy Chocolate Sauce for our Dessert Nachos for Breakfast! YUM!!! I also buy raw cacao powder online.

Arrowroot powder/starch

Arrowroot powder/starch

Arrowroot powder can be used in place of cornstarch in recipes and has the advantage of being non-GMO (unlike most cornstarch), suitable for people with a corn allergy and extracted from the arrowroot without use of harsh chemicals. I keep a large bag of arrowroot in...

Baking Powder (Aluminum-Free)

Baking Powder (Aluminum-Free)

Always choose Baking Powder market "Aluminum-Free" - it is typically sold right next to the baking powder with aluminum. We need reduce exposure to aluminum in our diet to protect our brain tissue (aluminum has been found in the brains of those suffering from...

Chocolate Chips

Chocolate Chips

I prefer to use cacao nibs (and cacao/cocoa powder) whenever possible. My husband and kids really like chocolate chips. Look at the ingredient label to make sure that they do not contain any dairy (milk/butter/cream).

Cacao/Cocoa Powder

Cacao/Cocoa Powder

While you can buy unsweetened cocoa powder at nearly any grocery store and Trader Joe's, I use a lot of it, so I buy it online and keep it in the freezer.

Coconut Sugar

Coconut Sugar

While my first choice for sweeteners is fruit, followed by date sugar (dried dates in powder version), and then coconut sugar. Costco sold organic coconut sugar for a while, but now I get it online (can be much less expensive than at the market).

Coconut flakes

Coconut flakes

If you like big coconut flakes, look for unsweetened organic coconut flakes (you can even make coconut "bacon" with these - find a recipe online!) and keep them in the freezer. They can be used as is or roasted in the oven (keep an eye on them so they don't burn!).

Coconut shredded

Coconut shredded

Look for unsweetened organic shredded coconut, if you want small pieces, and keep them in the freezer. They can be used as is or roasted in the oven (keep an eye on them so they don't burn!).

Cornmeal – whole grain – organic

Cornmeal – whole grain – organic

Whole grain organic cornmeal can be found with the specialty flours/baking products in the supermarket or online (typically the best price). I store all cornmeal (and the rest of my whole grains) in the freezer, since higher temperatures can begin to break down the...

Date Sugar

Date Sugar

Date sugar is the healthiest sweetener, second only to fruit. It is made by drying dates and them making them into a powder. Once I open a package of date sugar, I store it in the refrigerator. I typically buy it online or at a local health food store, but have seen...

Erythritol – sweetener

Erythritol – sweetener

My husband uses erythritol (a sugar alcohol - a safe sweetener that has zero calories, does not raise blood sugar or cause cavities) in this coffee each morning. Sometimes we add it to my Tropical Splash. It can be purchased online (best price) or at a health food...

Buckwheat flour

Buckwheat flour

Despite it's name, buckwheat flour is not made from wheat (and is actually gluten free). I like to use it in my Banana Pecan Snack Cake, among other recipes. I keep it in the freezer (with the rest of my whole grains, nuts and seeds). While I have seen it at my local...

Whole Wheat Pastry Flour

Whole Wheat Pastry Flour

I don't use much flour, and like to make my own oat flour whenever possible. On occasion, I will use whole wheat pastry flour. It has a very light texture and can be substituted for white flour in any recipe, likely without anyone noticing. I keep it in the freezer...

Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast is sold in bags, bulk or round containers as flakes or powder (either will work for the recipes in The Foodie Bar Way), at supermarkets like Sprout's, as well as from online retailers and has a nutty/cheesy flavor. This is not to be confused with...